Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well, like almost everything in this world, it's time to say to good-bye to the Summer of 09. In a way I'm glad it's over. Nothing of any importance happened for me these last two months. There were no water parks, like I was promised, nor was there Coney Island. There were no late night picnics on the beach followed by the sweet exotic-ness of love-making on the sand. No Carvel on warm August nights and, most of all no laughter to fill my heart. There was just the constant reminder that I am no longer needed, wanted or loved by him.

And , although my heart stills cries a little each day for the longings of his face and his eyes and his touch, I still live and breathe and go on. I guess I will never have the closure or the understanding of why this all-consuming relationship has come to and end, I still get up each morning and face the day. Albeit, not with any joy or happy expectations, but only with the knowledge that he will never call, he will never e-mail, only that he just doesn't care. At all, anymore.

Happy September to everyone else.

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