Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well, it's Sunday. I remember Sunday mornings with a little bit of nostalgia. It actually was one of the most favorite days of the week for me. I had a nice routine and things were always sublime. I'm sure they will come back. Probably better than before.

It was a good week, I stayed focused and positive. I neither embraced the past or let it drown me. I am a better person for it. I feel a little stronger every day and look forward to the hours before me, all 24 of them.

Yes, there were times when the old memories came sneaking around and tried to get in, but I would not allow them to. Instead I set my thoughts on a new direction and stayed mellow.

I can only take it one day a time right now, actually more like one hour at a time. I do not need any triggers to set me off and I know there are some who would love to push my buttons and watch me fall, but I am in a safe place, in my heart and in my mind and in myself, I need not deal with the negativity at this point in time. I need only to take care of myself the best way I know how. It's that simple. It's that easy.

So, I will pray for you if you will pray for me. If the past ever does come knocking on my front door, I'm not sure I will answer it, but I will probably feel good that it is still there, because as a human being, that is what I am conditioned to feel. I had love and it was wrong and painful and I am trying to steer away from pain right now. I need only to be three things at this moment in  time, Joyous, Happy and Free.

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